隔离衣 1 级

Level 01 医用隔离衣设计定制,袖口、脚部有弹性,腰部和领口系带可调节,穿着方便。完美保护旅行和恶劣环境。

通过了AATCC42 1级液体阻隔测试性能,轻便易穿。非常适合旅行。

正常价格 ₩24,000
单价  每 
运费 在结帐时计算。
Need to order in bulk? Contact us directly.


Multi-Ply Non-Woven Fabric

The high-quality multi-ply non-woven fabric is used for the manufacturing of these medical isolator gowns Level 01.

Adjustable All-Over Wear

Tying of gowns at the back can be hectic and time taking. These level 01 medical isolator gowns are designed and tailored with elastic cuffs, feet, and adjustable ties at waist and collar.


The isolation gowns are disposable, which means they are for one-time use.

Comfortable And Lightweight

Wearing gowns is part of the daily routine for the medical staff and professionals. Therefore, special attention is given to comfort and lightweight, high-quality breathable material for manufacturing these gowns. Therefore, the isolator gowns are easy to carry and have ventilation to be worn for longer periods.

Complete Protection

These medical isolator gowns are a perfect solution for preventing inter-transmitting any germs, bacterias, or contaminated particles between doctors and patients.

Suggested Settings and Applications

Mostly uses of level 01 isolation gowns are in the medical industry by doctors for minimal risk situations.
The isolator gowns level 01 can also be used for tattoo practice.
These gowns are suitable to be used in work environments where edibles are manufactured like bakeries and beverages for protection against germs.


